Initial​ Ideas

For our final major project, we are not bound to what we can create for it, other than it is “an area of creative interest you have that is somewhat related to the degree and, where appropriate, related to a specialist area you wish to work in after the degree (although this employability focused outcome […]

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What is Storytelling?

story1 /ˈstɔːri/ noun an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment.  “an adventure story” a report of an item of news in a newspaper, magazine, or broadcast. storytelling /ˈstɔːrɪtɛlɪŋ/ noun 1. the activity of telling or writing stories. “the power of cinematic storytelling” adjective 1. relating to the telling or writing […]

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Modern Storytelling

  Despite the number of storytelling techniques that exists, it continues to evolve today. in the last decade, technology has been rapidly changing and evolving bringing up close to preserving reality on film. However, does this mean we should be using these new discoveries to tell stories? While researching about storytelling I was able to […]

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Augmented Reality​ Research

  What is Augmented Reality? Augmented reality is the technology that expands our physical world, adding layers of digital information onto it. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR), AR does not create the whole artificial environments to replace real with a virtual one. AR appears in direct view of an existing environment and adds sounds, videos, graphics to […]

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Japanese Animal Folklore

Before I start on the character creations I need to decide what Japanese folklore I want to base the characters on. While researching Japanese animal folklore I realised that there were a lot of creatures so I listed some that I found interesting: Tsuchigumo   Tsuchigumo (土蜘蛛), literally translated “dirt/earth spider”, is a historical Japanese derogatory […]

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Chosen Folklore

From my research, I was able to choose which creatures I wanted to base my projects on. I decided to go three folklore creatures that are described to be Yokai’s*. As these creatures have the ability to shapeshift into humans I thought it would be interesting to recreate them as anthropomorphic characters rather than recreating a […]

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Kitsune Character Research

Overview As I previously mentioned, one of the yokai I will be reinterpreting for my final major project is the Kitsune. The Kitsune is a magical shapeshifting creature, who is often associated with the Shinto god Inari who is the deity of rice. Below is a short explanation of the yokai:   Real Kitsune Japan is home to two […]

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Tanuki Character Research

Overview One of the yokai creatures I decided to base my final major project on is the Tanuki. The tanuki is a magical shape-shifting creature, originating from old Chinese folklore and fox lore. In the Japanese version of the Tanuki, it possesses a big belly, giant scrotum and sake bottle. Real Tanuki. The tanuki is […]

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