Augmented Reality Implementation​


For the final augmented reality build, I took a picture of the mask and cropped it so only the symbols are visible. I had to complete this step as I found through my experimentation when I use an image of the mask when the camera move around different angles it cannot detect the mask as an image base. I would need a flat base for the AR to work, to combat this I decided to use the forehead as the image base as it is the flattest surface of the mask. Uploaded the image into Vuforias Development website and set the width as 10 where I then imported into unity as the Vuforia image. 

Screenshot 2019-05-14 at 01.16.50IMG_2585

After I completed the character in Marvelous Designer I imported the model into Maya and exported it straight to unity through Maya. I found that when I imported the model the textures were not displayed. In order to reveal the textures and materials, they would need to be extracted into the project. I then parented the image base to the character and adjusted the size of the character so that the mask would be a similar size to the head of the character. Below is a test of the scene. 

Screenshot 2019-05-16 at 22.32.50Screenshot 2019-05-16 at 18.21.43Screenshot 2019-05-14 at 01.08.32Screenshot 2019-05-14 at 01.06.53

However, I found that the character was shaking in the scene and believe it is because the image base isn’t flat on the mask. After looking online and experimenting I found that when I use a flat image the character wouldn’t shake. This was quite disappointing because the point of this project is to connect the mask with the augmented reality. I have decided to paint a symbol on the wall in the show and use that as the image base instead. I will place the mask beneath the image base, this way the viewers won’t be able to detect that the mask doesn’t work. Below is an example of how I will be implementing this idea. 

Screenshot 2019-05-16 at 23.24.03.png

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